juiceito’s story

Since 1980, Jui­ceito has been pio­neer­ing the organ­ic juice space in San Diego. From the start, we have been com­mit­ted to offer­ing the most deli­cious fruit & veg­etable drinks, made from fresh, local­ly grown ingre­di­ents. Come on down and give your day a boost with one of our smooth­ies, pressed juices, and well­ness shots!

always green & local

Male­sua­da fames ac turpis eges­tas inte­ger eget ali­quet nibh. Eges­tas mae­ce­nas phare­tra con­va­l­lis posuere mor­bi leo urna molestie at. Tel­lus rutrum tel­lus pel­len­tesque eu tin­cidunt tor­tor ali­quam nul­la facil­isi. Phasel­lus eges­tas tel­lus rutrum tel­lus pel­len­tesque eu. Ipsum dolor sit amet con­secte­tur adip­isc­ing elit duis. A arcu cur­sus vitae congue mau­ris rhon­cus aenean vel elit. Mor­bi tris­tique senec­tus et netus et

We are a unique mix of people who love juice 

Tiana Shelton

Found­ing Partner

Eryk Buallock

Founder and Manager

Caloe Austin

Juice Expert

Ayden Neale

Juice Expert

“if you’re in the area, you must visit juiceito and try their juice!”

- Liana Rooney, food journalist -

Need a fresh surprise for your next event?