our menu

All of our drinks are 100% organ­ic, nutri­tious, and deli­cious! Take your pick from any of our fresh pressed juices, smooth­ies, and well­ness shots. 

Fresh Pressed Juices — 16 oz

Boost your immune sys­tem and refresh your mind & body with our deli­cious, nutri­tious fresh pressed juices.

lean Green Machine 

Apple, kale, mint, cucum­ber, cel­ery — $7

The Kale King 

Kale, apple, lemon, cucum­ber — $8

The Green Monster 

Apple, gin­ger, spinach, pars­ley, lemon — $8

Morning Rush 

Apple, cucum­ber, lemon, cayenne pep­per — $7

Fiber for life 

Apple, cel­ery, cucum­ber, col­lard greens, lemon — $9

Simple Apple 

Apple — $7

Original orange 

Orange — $8

Smoothies — 24 oz

Boost your immune sys­tem and refresh your mind & body with our deli­cious, nutri­tious smoothies.

Strawberry Banana Dream 

Straw­ber­ries, banana, almond milk — $9

Berry Berry Munch 

Mixed berries, greek yogurt, apple juice — $10

Yummy Melon Mix 

Can­taloupe, galia mel­on, banana, almond milk — $9

Peanut Butter Cup 

Banana, peanut but­ter, almond milk — $10

Almond Butter Love 

Banana, almond but­ter, coconut milk — $10

Cocoa for Coffee 

Cof­fee, dates, milk, almonds, cocoa — $11

The Green Queen 

Spinach, banana, apple, avo­ca­do, milk — $10

wellness shots — 8 oz 

Boost your immune sys­tem and refresh your mind & body with our deli­cious, nutri­tious well­ness shots.

Boost it up 

Gin­ger, lemon, cayenne — $8

House of Ginger 

Apple, lemon, gin­ger, turmer­ic — $8

Beet to the Beat 

Beet, pineap­ple, car­rot, lemon — $9

Grateful Graprefruit 

Grape­fruit, mint, straw­ber­ry, gin­ger — $7

Straight Wheetgrass 

Wheet­grass — $10

Cure Me Please 

Cel­ery, apple, lemon, gin­ger, cayenne — $10

Apple cider vinegar mix 

Apple cider vine­gar, gin­ger, cin­na­mon, hon­ey — $9

100% organic 

locally grown 

Nutrient Dense 

pressed daily 

Feel the juicy love

“I love this place!! Their smooth­ies are deli­cious, and the team is super friendly.”
Sian­na O.
“There’s no oth­er way to start your day. I stop at Jui­ceito every morning!”
Floyd B.
“I’m a health freak and I am obsessed with Juiceito’s fresh and organ­ic juices!”
Kel­si S.